
Encrypt brings together some of the most distinguished and accomplished experts in the field of cryptography, who will share their insights, experiences, and perspectives on the latest advances breakthroughs in modern cryptography, covering topics in ZK, MPC and FHE.

Zvika Brakerski

Weizmann Institute Of Science

Zvika Brakerski is a professor of computer science at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. The focus of his work is on the theory of classical and quantum cryptography. He made contributions to the design of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), program obfuscation, lattice-based cryptography, and quantum aspects of cryptography, among other areas.

His awards and honors include the Alon Memorial Fellowship (2014), the Prof. Pazy Memorial Research Award (2015), the Wolf Foundation Krill Prize (2017), the IEEE FOCS Test of Time award (2022), ACM SIGACT / EATCS Gödel Prize for Outstanding Papers (2022), and the Blavatnik Israel Award for Young Scientists (2023).

Benny Pinkas

Aptos Labs &
Bar Ilan University

Benny Pinkas is a researcher at Aptos Labs and a professor of computer science at Bar-Ilan University, where he was formerly the director of the Center for Research in Applied Cryptography and Cyber Security. He received his PhD from the Weizmann Institute in 2000 and is a Fellow of the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR).

He has worked as a researcher at Intertrust Technologies, Hewlett-Packard, Google, and VMware. His main research areas are cryptography, computer security and privacy, with a focus on secure multi-party computation.

Tomer Ashur

CEO & Chief Scientist,
3Mi Labs

Dr. Tomer Ashur is the CEO and chief scientist of 3MI Labs, a boutique research centre in all matters cryptography and Web3. Previously, he was professor of cryptography at Eindhoven University of Technology. In the space of Web3 he is mostly known for his pioneering works on algebraic ciphers such as the hash functions Vision and Rescue.

Dolev Mutzari

VP Research,
dWallet Labs

Dolev Mutzari has a background in nation-state level cybersecurity and cryptography. As VP of Research at dWallet Labs, Dolev has achieved numerous cryptography breakthroughs in Web3, including leading the MPC works Tiresias and 2PC-MPC.

Michal Zajac

Head of Research,

Michał Zając holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and has spent over 10 years in cryptography research — both in academia and industry. He has been doing blockchain-related research since 2018 with focus on user privacy. His main area of specialization: zero-knowledge proofs, their applications, and security.

David Nogueira

Founding Partner & CTO,

David Nogueira is a co-founding partner and the CTO at Lightshift. In this role, he heads the engineering team which contributes directly to the building efforts of the fund’s portfolio projects. Prior to starting Lightshift, David helped co-found several companies across various sectors, consistently using technology to innovate and push boundaries.

George Danezis

Co-Founder & Chief Scientist,
Mysten Labs

Prof George Danezis, B.A, M.A (Cantab), Ph.D, FBCS. George Danezis is Professor of Security and Privacy Engineering at the Department of Computer Science, University College London. He co-founded and acts as Chief Scientist at MystenLabs since 2021. George has conducted research on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) and Decentralised / Distributed Systems Security since 2000. His current research interests focus around secure communications, high-integrity systems to support privacy, blockchains and decentralisation, as well as the application of machine learning techniques to security problems.

In the past, he co-founded chainspace.io in 2018, and had his team acquired in 2019 by Facebook Novi to help design the Diem payment system. In 2021 he departed and co-founded MystenLabs, to help build the Sui smart contracts platform. He has previously been a Researcher for Microsoft Research, Cambridge; a visiting fellow at K.U.Leuven (Belgium); and a research associate at the University of Cambridge (UK).

Ellie Davidson

System Engineer,
Espresso Systems

A software engineer interested in distributed systems, blockchain, consensus, and economic incentives research.

Yehonatan Cohen Scaly

dWallet Network & CTO,
dWallet Labs

Yehonatan is a cybersecurity and cryptography leader, with experience in nation-state level defensive cybersecurity, and with vulnerability research.

In 2022, Yehonatan co-founded the dWallet Network and serves as the CTO of dWallet Labs, leading the research and development efforts of the dWallet Network, including the novel 2PC-MPC protocol.

Jakob Pagter


Jakob Pagter is the VP for Multi-Party Computation (MPC) at Blockdaemon. He was formerly the head of the Security Lab at Danish research institute Alexandra Instituttet and is the co-founder of Sepior and Partisia. Jakob holds a PhD in computer science from Aarhus University.

Yashvanth Kondi

Principle Scientist,
Silence Laboratories

Yashvanth's research interests lie in decentralized systems that secure information in use. In particular, he designs cryptographic protocols with a focus on Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC), and Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. As one example, his work on the DKLs series of threshold ECDSA protocols is used to secure digital assets by removing single points of failure via MPC.

Caleb Shack

Researcher & Investor,
Big Brain Holdings

Software engineer turned venture investor. Founding team of Franklin DAO.

Idan Sugarman

General Partner,
Zero Knowledge Ventures

Idan is a managing partner at Zero Knowledge Ventures, betting early on category defining companies that change the course of humanity.

Previously managed an $30m market neutral crypto hedge fund. Co-founded QuantHealth.ai. Worked as an applied researcher at Voca AI (Acq. NYSE: $SNAP) and Enigma Labs.

Secure Your Seat at the Frontier
of Web3 research.

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July 8, 2024
The Hotel Brussels,